Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving II (NSFW, or those easily offended)

When I was in high school, Steve Martin had a live Thanksgiving Day special. I cannot find any evidence of it on YouTube, but I swear it happened. I even remember, he came out at the end and gave a monologue on things for which he was thankful. Two of them have stuck with me. He was thankful for the Atlantic Ocean; without it millions of Portuguese would be walking in to the US illegally each year. He was also thankful there is no such thing as a rectal barometer.

If there is anything I enjoy more than laughter, it can't be mentioned on a public forum. So, without further ado, here are some NSFW, occasionally offensive, but always funny bits. If bad words offend you, maybe you should just agree that laughter is something for which we should all be grateful and carry on.

George Carlin on germs:

Robin Williams on Viagra:

Richard Pryor on Prison:

Lewis Black on Milk and Water

Virtual Tin Cup

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